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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Scouting Does That

I recently borrowed a book about nurturing boys. This is a topic that is always on my mind, between raising our own boys, teaching other people's boys in primary, and teaching other people who teach boys in Scout leader training. I think I have learned a lot about boys through experience, but the book has given me a few new insights and tips. As I read through it, though, and it talks about the needs boys have at different stages, I find myself thinking about how Scouting helps fill all of those needs, and it provides activities that naturally fit boys interests at different ages.

We homeschool our boys, and so I also read a lot of books about educational theory. The same thing often happens when I read something about the ideal educational system. I think, "Scouting does that," or, "That's just like the Scouting program."

In fact, I am constantly running into more proof that the Scouting program is one of the best systems out there for the nurturing, training and teaching of boys. Every stage is created to fit the needs, abilities and interests of that age almost perfectly.

It's also a great system for training and teaching parents and leaders. We were discussing in our meeting the other night how, when they let it, Cub Scouting offers the perfect opportunity for parents to connect with their boys. The handbooks are practically an outline for, "What to do to improve, enhance or supplement your relationship with your son while he is still young enough to want to do things with you."

This is definitely an inspired program. I really think it was set in motion 100 years ago to provide today's boys with what they need, the things the world (or I should say Satan through the world) is trying to take from them. I think boys need Scouting now more than ever, so that they can be boys and grow into men.

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