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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Scout Law Scripture Chase

Trustworthy - D&C 82:10
Loyal - 3 Nephi 27:13, Moses 1:39, John 10:2-15
Helpful - Matthew 9:2-7, John 9:6-7, Luke 17:12-14, Matthew 25:40
Friendly - Matthew 9:11, John 15:13-15
Courteous - Matthew 5:37-45
Kind - Matthew 19:13-14, Mark 9:20-27
Obedient - 3 Nephi 11:11, Matthew 3:15
Cheerful - Joshua 1:9, But: John 11:35 when His friends sorrowed, and He commands us Mosiah 18:9
Thrifty - Matthew 6:28
Clean - John 13:4-10
Brave - Luke 22:42, Mark 5:36, 2 Timothy 1:7, D&C 121:7
Reverent - Mark 11:15-17

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 & Moroni 7:45-48

A little something to occupy you on a Sunday afternoon (and happy Scout Sunday).


Evenspor said...

I am going to be the first to comment on my own post, because there were some thoughts I couldn't really fit in it. This is meant to show Christ as the perfect example of the Scout Law, with the occassional admonition for us. However, some of the things on the list, I learned through Christ's example are not absolutes, not exactly. For example: Couteous. Christ didn't hesitate to reprove when it was necessary, although it was always out of love. There were many times he couldn't be called "Cheerful." We know that "men are that they might have joy" but there also "must needs be opposition in all things," and sorrow is an important part of life.

I hope others will add their thoughts, comments and scriptures.

Anonymous said...

Hi there - thanks for the post. I was looking for a way to tie the scout law into FHE and this is it. Yes, I believe that Jesus is the foundation of these principles.